Wednesday, 25 September 2013

3 Tips To Encourage High School Science Students To Study

Keeping your student's minds sharp is a challenge that science educators face every day of the school year. The simple fact of the matter is that high school science students, like students in any other class taught in your school district, don't like to study. More and more, students are finding themselves graduating from high school and moving on to college without ever having studied for a single test in their lives. To help encourage your students to study, here at 3 tips you can put to work in your schoolscience classroom.

Verbal Reminders
Students often forget that they have tests coming up until it is too late. You're all too familiar with students walking in to your classroom and frantically grabbing their books or notebooks as they realize that today is test day. If you continually remind your high school science students that the test is coming, some of them will bother to study, and may even improve their grades because of it. By being told every day that they need to study for the test, you may just get through to some of them.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

End The Hunt For Materials Outside The Classroom

Is there anything that is quite as annoying as running out of a key component for an experiment that you've created? What begins as a plan to set up for a simple chemical reaction ends with you driving all over town in search of a bottle of hydrochloric acid. In the end, you find yourself either paying far too much, or scrapping the experiment altogether in favor of something that you do have the materials on hand for.

As a basic part of the middle school science educational experience, your students are going to have their hands on these chemicals, and you need to be able to keep them in stock. But finding these school science materials can be a headache if you don't know have access to an easy supply source.